My Mission Statement
The mission of BEyondlimITz Fitness is to reach as many people as possible and teach them the proper techniques and form to weight training and other training modalities such as suspension training, kettle bells, body weight exercises. Plus how they need to combine the training of the body with sound nutritional decisions while still enjoying the foods they eat. To show them how to make their health and fitness a part of their lifestyle and continued success. Not just a fad or diet that starts and ends each year with a new years resolution. I want to be recognized as a global fitness brand that can be trusted and admired for my dedication to helping people become fit, happy and self motivated. To not only create healthy bodies but healthy self image and self-esteem. When I take on clients I aim to give them the tools and knowledge to continue on with a healthy lifestyle even after going on their own. The ability to understand food labels and how food effects their bodies. How to plan meals for the day to optimize body composition and improve their internal health. I strive to set myself apart from other fitness training business’s by being on top of the latest scientific break throughs and discoveries pertaining to the gym and exercise science, to injury preventative exercises/stretches and the latest nutritional supplements that are beneficial and safe for my clients to best achieve their fitness, physique and health goals. I truly care about our clients health, aesthetics goals, mental well being and performance ability in sports and day to day life. A capable,happy, healthy and physically fit client is our greatest source of pride. Which anyone that knows me knows to be true because I genuinely care. That’s not some b.s. line to grab more clients. It’s my whole reason for starting BEyondlimITz Fitness. To make a living doing what I am passionate about while changing lives for the better. I can’t imagine anything topping that.
About Cameron Mitchell Owner