JnC Fitness

Be all that YOU can BE and more...BEyondlimITz!

Online or in person training programs and meal planning. For those starting out and wanting to get in shape but not sure how to train properly or what to eat to those that are advanced but wanting to step things up to the next level. Contest preparation coaching for figure,physique and bodybuilding. Experienced with both men and women competitors.


BEyondlimITz Fitness Training(formally JnC Fitness) is located inside the world famous QUADS GYM just blocks away from Wrigley Stadium, Home of the Chicago Cubs. 40,000 sq ft of space that is jammed pack with everything you could ever need to get in shape and build your physique. Top 10 gyms in the USA by Flex Magazine, Muscular Development and Muscle&Fitness magazines.


3727 N. Broadway, Chicago, IL 60613     773.726.0100



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